Hawkesbury Highlands

If you are heading west go the wild route and forget the traffic lights, shops and tedium of suburbia. There are two roads over the mountains leading to the western plains of New South Wales. There's the aforementioned traffic light nightmare or the Bells Line of Road (the northern road) through The Hawkesbury Highlands where you'll travel through a diversity of mountain scenery with great walls of sandstone and endless canyons, combined with charming orchards and fruit and vege stalls offering all local varieties of stone fruit in season and autumn apples.

Visit local artisans in metalwork, ceramics, art, opals, wonderful dried flowers (combined with Russian antiques!) and woodwork, combined with numerous charming coffee stops all featuring home made apple pies, jams, local honey and our proudly made Bilpin Apple Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar.

There's stacks of quality accommodation - from self-cater cabins through to completely serviced in-the-home bed and breakfast. There's half a dozen wedding venues and a bus to transport guests to and from their function to their beds. Visit the cold climate  Botanic Garden at Mt.Tomah and enjoy lunch on the deck and Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine for world renowned private, open gardens. See the real Australia with people working their orchards and walking their wilderness.

Enjoy the greater north western region of the beautiful Hawkesbury Highlands, Wollemi National Park. The area is flanked by rolling green hills with glimpses of bushland hiding the vast wilderness area beyond.

Rolling green hills, panoramic views, country hospitality, amidst the unique call of the bell birds. History lovers will appreciate the old buildings and churches, collectors will be lost in the antique shops, there is something for everyone.

Hawkesbury Highlands

Bilpin - Bowen Mountain - East Kurrajong - Grose Vale - Grose Wold
Kurrajong - Mount Tomah - North Richmond 

Alexander the Great Motel Alexander the Great Motel Alexander the Great Motel In the heart of the Hawkesbury
Simon Tedeschi & George WashingmachineGershwin & more! Sun 23 March 2pm - Blue Mountains Theatre, SpringwoodView Blue Mountains Concert Society »