Lower Portland

From Sydney:
80kms   ·  76 mins by car   ·  110 mins by public transport
Quick Stats:
589 population (2016 Census)

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Lower Portland is located approx 80km from Sydney's CBD.

Lower Portland is a peaceful hamlet nestled at the junction of the Colo and Hawkesbury River systems.

The original inhabitants of the Lower Portland area were the Darug people. The Darug were the custodians of the majority of what is now the Greater Sydney region. They were divided into a number of different ‘clans’, whose quick demise upon European settlement has sadly resulted in very little information remaining on how the local area was utilised.

A place of discovery, surrounded by history, majestic nature, captivating and romantic, a water skier's delight. The Lower Portland free vehicular ferry is one of only four still operating in the Hawkesbury City Region. A delight to visit.

The Lower Portland Ferry crosses the Hawkesbury River, and operates 24 hours 7 days a week. Closed 1st Wednesday of each month 9:00am–11:00am.

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