
From Sydney:
63kms   ·  57 mins by car   ·  90 mins by public transport
Quick Stats:
3,007 population (2016 Census)

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EbenezerFreemans Reach

Wilberforce is located approximately 63 kilometres northwest of Sydney. Wilberforce lies on the western bank of the Hawkesbury River.

Cross the Hawkesbury River at Windsor and enter a different world. Away from the city bustle this is pure country - Hawkesbury country. Travel the 5 kms from Windsor to Wilberforce, pass through Windsor's rich river flats, which have produced food for Sydney's markets for over 200 years.

Here today, a range of fruit, vegetables and turf are grown.

Wilberforce village offers accommodation, shopping, restaurant dining, an hotel and many other attractions. Interesting farm tours can be arranged through the Tourism Hawkesbury Office, at Clarendon.

Wilberforce is the birthplace of bushranger Captain Thunderbolt.


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